This time of the year always feels very energetic. Whether you are a resident of India or a country abroad, there’s so many festivals around the world to look forward to. Whether it’s the Dussehra to Diwali time-period in India, or Halloween in USA, or the Oktoberfest in Germany, or the various autumn and fire festivals taking place right from Japan to Thailand, the autumn air brings in much festivity around the world. There’s a number of major festivals to look forward to in November and December too. The momentum, the festive spirit could work as great productivity boosters.
How can you make most of the festive energy to boost your productivity?
Make the most of the high:
As we suggested, the energy levels this time of the year are on a high. The moods are on the high. Now is thus a good time to undertake tasks you had been putting off all year. Whether it’s starting a new project, or cleaning up your drawer. This is also a good time to undertake a difficult conversation, whether it’s talking to a difficult-to-persuade client with a pitch, or raising a long hanging issue in a meeting. Why? Because chances are, everyone else might be on that high, and might be easier to persuade than usual, more willing to work on things than usual. Willing to stay in a good mood, more than usual.
If the persuasion or the pitch don’t work out, the next point has got your covered.
There’s something to look forward to, no matter what:
As mentioned earlier, having multiple festivals to look forward to is a great mood-booster, especially when things don’t go as planned.
Usually when plans fail or tasks fall through, it takes some effort to recover from those failures. But thanks to the high energies at a spiritual as well as collective physical level, recovering becomes even more easier. Not just easier, it can be potentially transformative. Call it the killing the ‘Ravan’ within, or call it the effect of the Halloween ‘spooky season’, there’s a metaphor to deal with the darkness, available close by.
One may or may not ‘believe’ but at the very least, the office-level parties, the holiday, or the holiday ‘mood’ themselves provide avenues for often necessary distractions from gloom and act as levelers. They provide as things to look forward to, especially if you’ve had a horrible day.
Make the most of the season:
Whatever culture you belong to, the weather this time of the year is optimal at most places. The air is crisp with the oncoming winter, and if you are lucky, your country may have beautiful autumn colours around, symbolising the need to shed, and acting as reminders that a ‘fall’ doesn’t have to be ugly or graceless. It may get dark outside earlier, but that brings with it deep shades of blue and orange.
It is no wonder that so many festivals around the world at this time of the year in one way or another deal with the darkness with lights in some form.
It is neither too hot and neither too cold. It’s the perfect weather to undertake difficult tasks, conversations. It is the perfect season, literally and figuratively, with nature and the spirit of human celebration giving ample opportunities to either recover or celebrate, through its cozy yet energy-filled atmosphere.
Everyone wants to keep their mood good when there’s a celebration to look forward to, right?