What is that one thing that we notice big and small companies doing these days?
Be it online shopping giants or local vendors, everyone is basking in that festive energy. The festive energy around the country guarantees clients and customers in a good mood, and hence, a great give and take of services and rewards.
The Navratri festivities may have wrapped up, but in line stands Diwali. Around the world, from Asia to Europe to America, we have numerous holidays and festivals lined up for the next few months, which will stretch right till the new year.
The air is crisp. If you are lucky, the trees in your country might be showing bright colours of orange, auburn, yellow, reminding us that letting go is a beautiful as well as a necessary process, a part of the cycle of life. You may have just witnessed joyous, dance-filled celebrations of devotion. Wherever you are, chances are the spirits are high around you. This is a great time for businesses as well.
As the festive stretch of the year goes on, here are a couple of things professionals can do to make the best of this festive energy around:
Start New Ventures:
Why wait for the new year to start something new? Why not start right away! This is a ripe time to start new ventures. A venture started now will mean one starts their new year with a plan already in action. What better feeling than to go into the new year with a plan already in the process of implementation?
Going into a New Gear with already existing plans:
If not a new venture, this is also a great time to take the implementation of your plans up a notch. The projects that need to be finished, the tasks and objectives that need to be untangled from the knots, the festive energy can provide that much needed push. It’s all in the air!
Flip the Script of Difficulties:
An anecdote comes to mind here. Ved was sitting in low spirits in the office cafeteria. Manoj almost breezed into the cafeteria with an energy that was hard to ignore. Ved asked, ‘How do you manage to have so much energy? Don’t you feel sad that you must work when everyone around us is enjoying these festivals?’
Manoj, in his infectious energy responded, ‘On the contrary, I feel great. I love that everyone around me is having a good time. I know that all of us have some celebration, or some ‘pooja’ or some event to look forward to. It makes me want to work with more energy because I know that there is a celebration right around the corner. It makes me want to work extra hard because I know I will enjoy as much later. Even when I get tired, it is the sweet kind of tiredness, where I know I made the best out of everything: the festive cheer and my own professional ambitions. Look around, the energy is everywhere! If not the cultural celebrations, there is so much good to look forward anyway: right from the weather, the food, the decorations to all the hubbub around.’
Manoj continued, ‘In fact this time around, I feel like I have more energy to deal with any difficulties that may arise. This energy around helps me flip the script of difficulties…’
With this, Manoj breezed out, with Ved quietly smiling to himself as he started to plan the rest of his day enthusiastically. Festive energy is indeed contagious. Positive energy is indeed contagious!
This time of the year is ripe with opportunities. Opportunities to start afresh, to get into a new gear, or to simply have a more enthusiastic give and take. Whether at the level of cultures, or at the level of ventures and initiatives, the energies are high- make the best of it!