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Post-Festival Blues: Things to Remember

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  Diwali festivities are over. It’s a New Year for some, a new week, a new day. The thing with festivals in India, especially the ones like Diwali is that the preparations begin from weeks before. Festivities are in the air even before the actual festival. Even in the workplace, Diwali begins to act like … Continue reading

Recruitment Story: The Sweet Rewards of Professional Excellencies

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A gesture that has a personal touch, for a professional feat goes a long way in boosting levels of motivation, confidence, and work-satisfaction in the employee. Acknowledging and being grateful for any such gesture, and articulating it to the person who gave the “reward” strengthens the professional bond. How would you like receiving a huge … Continue reading

Professional Lessons to learn from Diwali Festivities

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  As many of us know, Diwali is not just about a day. The festivities and the rituals begin right from Dhanteras, and go on for days till Bhai Dooj. Now, here are some professional lessons to be learnt from the five days. Don’t worry, we are not asking you to work during the holiday season, but the … Continue reading

Recruitment Story: Sleeping, Smelling, Dreaming Generators

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Some of us would be familiar with our parents and grandparents telling us stories about the struggles they had to go through when they were younger. Anecdotes about walking long distances to go to school, when all we have to worry about now is whether we will be able to catch the bus on time. … Continue reading

Beyond the Rivalry

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  Setting up goals– long term and short term- is an important activity that fuels growth. Sometimes, the standards are set according to what the supposed rival is doing. We have to be better than them, is the call of duty one answers to. Healthy competition is good if it helps one come up with … Continue reading

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