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Part Two: Are you Going to Interview A Quiet Candidate?

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In part one, we talked how a candidate might appear quiet and passive owing to reasons like: Their general nature. An introvert appears quiet, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they have nothing to say. In fact, they can have a lot to say if one talks about the right thing, here when one talks about … Continue reading

Part One: Are you A Quiet Candidate?

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  Interviews can be tough for those who are generally quiet, soft-spoken, anxious or are not sure about what to say. Introverts are people of few words, especially on occasions that may feel like mere formality to them. But that doesn’t necessarily mean they have nothing to say. Furthermore, life situations, a recent tragedy, constant … Continue reading

Recruitment Story: Networking Skills That Pay

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  We live in an unimaginably connected world. It truly feels like a small world at times. But how many of us are actually mindful about our connections? Of course, it is not possible to know how and to whom you are connected without some sort of communication and revelation. You cannot know your sister … Continue reading

Narrowing the Generation Gap: Succeeding in a Multi-generational Workforce

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It is a remarkable time that we are living in. Literally, generations of people, who have grown up in drastically different times, are working together. The Traditionalists born in the early 1940s and before, the Baby Boomers  of 1946-1964, the Generation X of 1965-1983 and the infamous Millennial generation of 1984-2002, which is entering the … Continue reading

How Not to be Negative with A Negative Feedback

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  Let us face it. Feedback is hard to receive no matter how much we say we are open to “criticism.” It is an even more difficult task to give one. Instant feedback ranks the highest on the toughness scale. A negative feedback brings a whole new level of discomfort which many of us are … Continue reading

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