Mother’s Day: A Hindsight

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What does little Birdie say

In its nest at Peak of Day.

Let me fly says little birdie,

Mother let me fly away…

On a lonely Mother’s Day, I woke up with this poem ringing in my mind. So much so , that I ordered Siri to play it for me , though I remembered the lyrics clearly. So many times I had sung this with my little ones, without ever realising , that how hard will the words hit me one day.

The little birdies have flown away and I am in my empty nest.


But , hey , hold on, had I not flown away , leaving my Mom’s nest empty?Don’t we all do? We fly away, and eventually , so do our daughters, our little ones. In humans,(not sure about the birds though) sometimes the “Home coming” does happen , but it is short-lived. The mind knows that it is so, and thus easier to go by the FLOW.


The reply that the Mother gave to the little Birdie:-

Birdie rest a little longer,

Till your wings are stronger,

So the Birdie rests a little longer ,

And then it Flies Away…


How apt is the reply — A mother would also want her little ones to soar the SKY, as do they. However she knows when it is good for them. She wants them to be strong and confident enough to Fly. This confidence comes out in the Young ones when they Face the world – testing their wings. At this time they may or may not know that someone is watching them from below, happy on the upbringing.

Still, a mother is so childlike when it comes to her children, reluctant to part from her proud possessions, hesitant to even have these shared.

The little ones, unfortunately understand this only when they become mothers. Life comes back, a full circle. “It’s payback time, friends”, as my sister jokingly said.

The mothers need to show some maturity , when the Flying Time comes, but it is easier said than done. The lure of the Sky is so High –that it overrules the fear of detachment.

I keep saying to myself that I need to learn, more of- “ Attachment with Detachment”—- But , Can I ? Can Mothers take a Chill Pill ?


Looking For A Job in Times Of Lockdown


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While some of us have been trying to balance WFH and the chores of our homes, there are some of us who were job hunting when the lockdown was announced. How does one go about looking for a job in these times of lockdown and social distancing? How does one approach companies when the staff is working from home? Whether you are a fresher who was looking for a launch-pad, or someone who was looking for a new opportunity, this is an uncertain situation to be in.

We bring some tips on how to go about searching for a job in times of the pandemic.


Online Is The Way:

It is important to remember most companies are working, just not in their offices.

We must keep our search and research on. As we have discussed in our articles about researching about companies, we have a lot of resources available online.

List down the companies you are interested to work at, and start checking their websites and social media one by one.

Checking the websites and social media now is a great time, because not only would they give you an idea about their mission statements, their work culture, but would also give you glimpses about how they are handling the entire WFH situation.

A lot of companies would now be more active on their Facebook, LinkedIn pages as a way to engage with customers and clients as much as possible. It is also likely that the companies would be more quick in responding to emails and messages.

What’s more, some companies which earlier were not too responsive on virtual platforms  may now have realised the value of prompt online communication, leading to faster, and more elaborate and specific responses to queries.

Do not be hesitant in sending out emails and queries, provided you are prepared to begin working in unconventional ways, which brings us to the next point.


Be Prepared:

Send out emails to the companies you are interested in working at, but make sure you let them know that you understand that times are uncertain.

Be prepared in case the companies give out vague or ambivalent or diplomatic responses. Some companies might tell they would let you know once things get “normal”, and you might have to wait out the lockdown.

Some might offer a role which can be done through minimal online training or no training and is more suitable for a WFH setup, but this role might be different than what you were originally looking for.

Some might offer a more short-term role, which might be important as long as long you are working remotely, and that which might undergo a change once the situation gets back to normal.

Here, you need to consider the urgency. How urgently do you need a job right now? Considering factors such as past savings, family responsibilities, work experience, internet resources, etc., coupled with the online research you undertook about the company should give you a fair idea about a) which companies to send out emails to, and b) what to expect from each company c) and which offers to consider.


Be Visible and Don’t Stop Networking:

Based on the urgency of your job search, keep networking. As mentioned, now is the time most companies would be quite active on LinkedIn and other online social networking platforms.

Find what online connections you have with the particular companies you are interested in working at; see if you can find a mutual connection and get in touch with them (virtually) if necessary to inquire more about the company and how the company is going about hiring processes.

Cash on in the increased amount of time companies would be spending online. Make your presence visible by posting regularly, engaging in discussions and commenting on posts which you find interesting and useful.


Take Your Time:

In the current situation, it is best not to think too long term. Consider how urgent is landing a job right now. Consider if this is a good time to learn a new skill or get enrolled in a distance learning program? Is this a good time to start a personal project you were thinking about? Is this a good time to take a break?

Be it in times of lockdown or normalcy, looking for a job gives us a certain down time to think things over. And there will be times when you might not have much to do except wait.

Additionally, in conclusion here are some quick pointers you can keep in mind:

  • Be prepared to appear for virtual interviews and calls. Make sure your internet connection and equipment are working well, with a tidy background. Try the lighting, sound and visibility with a friend or a family before you appear for any professional call.
  • Have a plan B. In other words, be prepared in case things don’t work out the way you wanted them to. Plan B could be anything from “settling” for a role which you didn’t particularly like, to “taking a break” from working, to keep looking.
  • Have a fixed routine. Chart up a time table. Fix the timings when you would research and network, and when you would engage in spending time in hobbies, recreation and chores. Do not forget to spend time with friends and family (through phone and video calls if you are living alone, or regularly if you are living under the same roof).
  • Do not be afraid of the gap in your resume. This is an unprecedented situation, and companies in the future would understand the reasons.


Learning and Development: Being Always Prepared

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Learning and development are basic things we do as children, sometimes on day to day basis. We learn how to sit upright, and develop as we learn to crawl, walk, run. We learn how to babble, then eventually develop our skill to pick on words and talk, and finally we learn and develop the skill to write. We learn a new skill, language, sport, musical instrument, concept, idea. We develop all that as we progress through levels and grades.

We grow up, and sometimes, we forget about the importance of learning and development, or L&D, as it is known in the professional jargon.

Focusing on L&D is important even when we enter the world of work (obviously in a different way than we did as children). And now, in the present context of WFH, it is an even more important thing to do. Learning has become almost mandatory now.


What are some things you can do by yourself?

Getting a better understanding of technology:  Learning and development as adults with jobs could include things like learning to use a new technology, getting an understanding of how an app runs, and how it could be applied to your professional growth.  Zoom meetings come to mind, don’t they?

Certificate courses: This could include taking up an online course for a programme relevant to your field, where you need to devote a couple of hours every week to get the certificate. It could also include a non-virtual, offline workshop/conference which can give you insight about a specific domain. (Safety warning: in the present context, stick to online ones.)

Sometimes, companies themselves might conduct workshops/conferences/talks, as we did with our team; online English classes are being given to our team as a way to help them grow continuously even in this context of restricted outdoor movement.

Full-fledged degree: With the emergence of the internet, getting a proper degree is possible via distance learning programmes, available on national as well as international online learning platforms.

Social Interaction: Learning and development can take place through social interaction as well: it could be by learning on the job from other co-workers, or it could be actually getting a mentor and learning the tropes from them. The scope of what could be considered a social interaction has increased. So, even in these times of social distancing, and real- time online communication, it is possible to learn from our fellow colleagues, seniors and juniors.


Why is learning and development important? What are some benefits of continuous learning?

Adding to your profile: This is the obvious answer. With anything new you learn, you get to add it on your resume. Sometimes, it takes just one little skill which can make you stand out and give you an edge.

Preparing for the unexpected: The present situation of lockdown and WFH is an example of how unpredictable even our professional lives are. You don’t always get time to prepare; rather, one has to be prepared and keep preparing when one has the time, energy and resources.

Learning new skills, new tools, new strategies thus, is a necessity.

Chain Reaction: Continuous learning not only means that you will develop new skills and insights, but that you will have an edge over people. This means that it will open up avenues for you to lead, to manage, to mentor, to coach, to train others.


Learning and development should be continuous, whether formal or informal. And the present scenario is one example of how helpful it is to be prepared, and how continuous learning is a secret to success.

Regardless of the global situation, the next time you feel your brain is beginning to feel sluggish and tired, take up something to learn!


Be the Perfect Manager…In One Minute


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The One Minute Manager is a very popular book Ken Blanchard. In the book, we have the journey of a young man who is looking for and willing to work for the “perfect manager”. He finds autocratic managers, the ones who only care about results and not people, and democratic ones who only care about people and not results: two extremes. He finally comes across someone who calls himself a ‘one minute manager’. The one minute manager delivers big results in a span of one minute.

Now, you need to read the book to actually discover the tips he offers, but there are some brief takeaways which we would like to list out.

Whether you are an actual manager or just good co-worker trying to motivate his or her colleagues, we offer some ‘one minute manager’ hacks!

Remember those ‘one minute games’ we all have played at some point? Those competitions where you must finish a task in just one minute, whether it is eating as many gol-gappas as you can or lighting as many candles as you can! Remember the thrill that comes with those games? The sudden gust of motivation and energy?

Well, the following one minute tasks can provide equal, if not more, motivation and energy in the office environment to get things done.


  • One Minute Goals: These ‘goals’ have to be ones which could be completed in around a minute. We often delay smaller things for later, piling them up, and ending up with a big pile of smaller tasks. Setting one minute goals is great way to get work done quickly. They end quickly, so there you have a quick dose of motivation too!

Think of all the smaller tasks which could be completed in one minute and set out to finish them. It could be anything from writing out a to-do list to making a quick call to that client.

  • One Minute Praises: Sometimes, all one needs is a quick “good job!” to feel motivated and actually get to work. Instead of waiting to include something in appraisals or weekly meetings, sometimes it’s a good idea to deliver praise just by-the-way.
  • One Minute Feedback: Similarly, sometimes, people want to know how they are doing at the moment. They need to know what wrong they are doing in terms of action, outcomes or decisions, and what they could do undo that wrong, immediately, instead of hearing about the problem in some meeting when they have already forgotten what the problem was in the first place.

This brings us to the next one minute hack.

  • One Minute Catch ups: Little one minute catch ups, where there’s a quick briefing of how a team is going on with a task are a quick way to ensure there’s an equally quick course correction. One minute catch ups allow one to figure out smaller problems which could be stopped from turning into bigger problems there and then.
  • One Minute Connection: Setting aside a special day to “connect” with employees and colleagues is great, to give them space to talk about their life beyond work, but sometimes a quick personal catch up is not a bad idea. It gives one the feeling that people do remember about their life, that people do care, which can be a great booster of motivation.


So, being a one minute manager, or to make it more general, one minute action taker is a great way to ensure a steady momentum of work. But make sure to not lose the bigger picture! One minute managing needs a fine balance (like all other things). We need to be tactful:

We take out a minute to deliver bigger results with ease. We don’t take out a minute to delay bigger results. Make sure the one minute managing adds to the flow of work, and doesn’t act as an interruption.



Tips to Keep in Mind While You Work From Home

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Work from home, says almost every governing body around the world these days. And rightly so. We all know what’s going on globally, so no, we will not utter those words. But we are here to guide you with some tips if you are an employee just beginning to work from home. We will jump straight to the chase.


Be Patient With Yourself:

Work from home sounds great in theory. You won’t have to commute, you will be safe, you will be working from the comfort of your home. But as you go about it, you might realise it’s not as easy as it sounds. You might start missing the structured routine, or you might start missing your prim and proper cabin. Or the general atmosphere which a working office has, which is often conducive to work.

You might also realise you just don’t like working from home. Or you just can’t.

The key is to give yourself time and patience to figure out on your own. It is necessary to not assume that everyone else is being more productive and is more comfortable working from home than you are. Refrain from comparison, especially if you have colleagues bragging about how wonderfully they are handling everything. Instead, talking to an empathetic colleague or a family member can be the first step in devising a plan which works best for you.


Create a Workspace:

Personal workspace can be created anywhere with the help of objects and atmosphere, and designating timeslots.

You can convert a corner of your room or house into a space where during particular hours you only and only work. Nothing else. It can be used for other purposes throughout the remaining hours of the day, but while you work, it has to be a workstation.

As opposed to sitting anywhere around the house with your laptop, creating a work corner will aid your levels of focus and will also send out a signal to your family that you are busy working.

You can put up pens, post-it notes, posters, important list of names around the space to get you in the zone to work. Keep your phone and laptop chargers nearby.


Create Working Hours:

Now if your office has asked you to work from home in regular office hours, you are fine. You will know your schedule. But if you find yourself left on your own to finish a task, without any supervision or without anyone to answer to, it can get difficult to focus. It can get difficult to not procrastinate. Your behaviour can turn like that of a student who finishes an assignment an hour before deadline. That could be really stressful.

Charting out a schedule which clearly states the hours you have to put into work helps in giving a much needed sense of self-discipline.

It also acts as a psychological trigger. Your brain will get prepared to work once it has internalised the schedule you set.

Psychological trigger brings us to the next point.



Dress tidily:

While dressing in office wear might not be too practical, especially if you are having a tough time managing laundry during these times of lockdown. But that doesn’t mean you remain in your pyjamas all day.

Wearing clothes like pyjamas gives your brain signals to sleep, to relax, to wind down, which might not work well when you are trying to work. As opposed to that, dressing tidily can act as a psychological trigger: it sends out a signal to your brain that you have things to do.



Free yourself from Distractions:

Working from home will come with its own set of distractions. There will be errands you will have to run. There will be chores you will have to finish. The WiFi will be shaky. There will be family members you will have to talk and attend to. The doorbell, the phone will ring. Your attention will shift to the chirping of birds on the window. These are the things that come with working from home. And these things are not in your control.

What is in your control is your digital landscape. WhatsApp forwards, notifications from Facebook and Instagram might be at an all time high these days, considering the social isolation. Work from home and endless notifications is not a good combination.

It is necessary to filter out notifications related to work to and those related to, well, passing time.

Now is the time to use full functionality of your devices and apps! Log out of unnecessary apps during your working hours, if possible. Or use functions like Do Not Disturb which will silent all other calls and notifications but only those which you allow.


Do Not Overwork:

On the other extreme of procrastination is overworking. Make sure you stick to your working hours as much as possible. Overworking is not good for one’s health in the long run.


The world is going through something which it didn’t see coming. We are seeing changes in the working conditions and culture, the work ethics, methodologies and expectations from employees. Adapting to change can be difficult, and the first thing to do is remain calm, and take it as an opportunity to generate new ideas. As Sadhguru has very wisely summed up:

The more you feed the energy of fear the more profound it becomes. Ignore the things you don’t want to participate in. Stop discussing it with family and friends; stop checking out the latest statistics. Stop watching incessantly the news about Corona Virus. Take your attention away and It has no power on you. The creation of anything is to give thought to it by keeping it active in our vibration by being afraid of it. Hook yourself up with  ever flowing stream of well- being.