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The Pomodoro Technique: How to Use it To Optimise Productivity

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  Are you the kind of person who needs a deadline to finish a task? We have all been there, when we waited for the night before the due date to start working on our homework, when we started studying the night before an exam, when we added a finishing touch to a slide just … Continue reading

Tips for Constructing an ATS-friendly Resume

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Technology has made our lives easier and simpler. But it still isn’t at a stage to perceive complexities which a human eye effortlessly sees. One aspect where this ease minus complexity is evident is the Applicants Tracking System, or abbreviated as ATS. Why should you construct an ATS-friendly resume? The Applicant Tracking System, as the … Continue reading

Tips to Keep in Mind for Online Applications

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Sending in job applications has never been easier. Gone are the days when one had to wait for days for the envelope to reach the destination by post. Unforeseen delays could well make you miss the application deadline. Now, it’s a matter of a few clicks. It’s the era of online applications and soft-copies. When … Continue reading

How to Answer “Tell Me About Yourself” in An Interview

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Have you ever been asked to tell a bit about yourself during an interview? Have you felt yourself going blank as you get asked this question? Have you found yourself entirely clueless? Going completely quiet as one gets asked “can you tell me something about yourself?” is more common than you think. In that one … Continue reading

The Art of Keeping Your CV Updated

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Do you suddenly find yourself frantically updating your CV, hours before you decide to apply somewhere? Have silly mistakes and typos embarrassed you in the past? Do you spend an enormous amount of time racking your brain, trying to remember your recent accomplishments? Keeping such situations in mind, it is a good practice to keep … Continue reading

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