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Preparing the Perfect 30 Second Introduction

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    Imagine you have gone to a conference. There will be lots and lots of professionals, eager to do some networking. No one has the time to actually have a long discussion but everyone is willing to network, somehow. Or just imagine you are someone looking for a career opportunity. You get on an … Continue reading

You Name It: Why Getting Names Right Is Important

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What is probably the first thing you would know about a person, be it a colleague, client or candidate? What is it that defines a company? What is it that leads to an establishment of personal rapport? What is that sets a person apart from everyone else? It’s the NAME! Making blunders in people’s and company’s names … Continue reading

Humour In The Office: The Do’s and The Don’ts 

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  Laughter is considered one of the best stress-busters out there. It is a great way to lighten up the atmosphere and the mood. Aren’t people with a good sense of humour, who have jokes for every occasion such saviours? Cracking jokes and laughing out loud in an informal setting is one thing. Being amongst … Continue reading

Say It Right: The 7Cs of Communication

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  Communication is an integral part  of our professional interactions. But unfortunately, communication is something that is very easy to mess up. And the worst part is it is very difficult to see what exactly went wrong with the way we communicated: what we say makes perfect sense to us. The 7 Cs come in … Continue reading

One Week Into New Year

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  New Year. Resolutions. Hopes. Looking back at the year gone, and looking forward to the year ahead. Parties, festivities, gatherings give a certain high. The exuberance around the event rubs off on you in its own way even if you choose to stay indoors, and have a quiet time. But what about the week … Continue reading

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