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Lives of Happy Candidates: Mr. Gopal Singh Bisht

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The meaning of “success” is somewhat elusive. It means differently to different people. For some, it is all about fame and fortune. For others, it includes finding enough time to follow one’s passion, and sometimes, exclusively just that. In yet another sense, success means achieving a certain peace of mind. A common perception of the … Continue reading

Behind the Workaholism

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The work culture of any corporate enterprise differs, and there are factors like the industry concerned, whether it is privately owned or state owned, and many other such variables. The policies they follow, the brand they wish to establish are all elements which determine a company’s work culture.   Workaholic and workaholism are some words … Continue reading

Balancing Technology for Convenience

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While talking about Technology, the keywords are deceptively varied. We think about the AI (Artificial Intelligence). We think about automation, digitisation. We think about the numerous movies showing dystopias of technological revolutions gone overboard. We think about bots, Siri, Cortana, that voice on Google Maps. We think about the ease, accessibility. We marvel at the … Continue reading

Micro-Learning: Bite-Sized Acquisition of Knowledge

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There was a time when ‘rigour’ was the only word associated with any sort of learning and training. The sort that needed time, dedication, will-power and an above -average attention span. But here’s the thing: attention spans of people have been decreasing since a long time now. Learning something new has become a difficult task. … Continue reading

Life at UHR: The Positive Environment

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Workplaces all over the world are trying to make their employees “comfortable” while on their jobs. With the millennial population entering job market, the attempts to appeal the young generation are increasing even more, with various perks and incentives offered. At United HR, thinking about our employees is not a recent practice. We asked them … Continue reading

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