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Thinking Ahead At Present: Life After COVID-19

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Everyone has talked a great deal about how to go about with present situation, which has forced us to change our lifestyles. But how about we try to think a little ahead, and try to see how to go about after it’s all over? How do we go about creating, or re-creating our life after … Continue reading

Mother’s Day: A Hindsight

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  What does little Birdie say In its nest at Peak of Day. Let me fly says little birdie, Mother let me fly away… On a lonely Mother’s Day, I woke up with this poem ringing in my mind. So much so , that I ordered Siri to play it for me , though I … Continue reading

Looking For A Job in Times Of Lockdown

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  While some of us have been trying to balance WFH and the chores of our homes, there are some of us who were job hunting when the lockdown was announced. How does one go about looking for a job in these times of lockdown and social distancing? How does one approach companies when the … Continue reading

Learning and Development: Being Always Prepared

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    Learning and development are basic things we do as children, sometimes on day to day basis. We learn how to sit upright, and develop as we learn to crawl, walk, run. We learn how to babble, then eventually develop our skill to pick on words and talk, and finally we learn and develop … Continue reading

Be the Perfect Manager…In One Minute

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  The One Minute Manager is a very popular book Ken Blanchard. In the book, we have the journey of a young man who is looking for and willing to work for the “perfect manager”. He finds autocratic managers, the ones who only care about results and not people, and democratic ones who only care … Continue reading

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