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Important Soft-Skills for A Remote-Worker

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There has been a rise in remote working because of the ongoing pandemic. While many offices have started to open up, partially or fully, there are some offices which continue to function WFH. Everything is unpredictable, everyone must be prepared to change their working habits; ‘new normal’ is the new buzzword. But one thing is … Continue reading

Optimizing Resources in the Pandemic

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It is no secret that we are living under many constraints these days and there seems to be a crunch in our resources, which we took for granted earlier. Yes, there is some ‘inversing’ taking place here, for example, the long hours of commute have reduced. But the pros and cons are in a tight … Continue reading

How Useful Is A Not-To-Do List?

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To be or not to be that is the question but to do, or not to do, is also a question which needs our attention. We have all come across articles and blogs telling us about to-do lists, where we prioritise, plan and mark the task from urgent to not so urgent. If you have … Continue reading

We Are in a VUCA Situation And the Good News Is We Are Adapting Pretty Well!

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Phrases like “uncertain times”, “unprecedented situation”, “unknown to everyone” have been making rounds all over the world due to the ongoing pandemic crisis. One can say that we are living in a VUCA situation. Let us go straight into the details of what the acronym stands for. VUCA is: Volatile: When a situation is volatile, … Continue reading

“Instead of Back to Normal, Let’s Go Forward to Better”

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It is a world of confusion we are living in! As things open up to some extent, we all are trying our best to have a balanced mindset. How about we provide some tips to acquire a positive mindset? In today’s post, we are going to provide some quick pointers which may be used to … Continue reading

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