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The Power of a Thank You Email

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  We have talked about interviews and what to do after them in one of our previous posts. We mentioned about a thank you mail. Let us talk about it more. Why do you need to send a thank you mail after you have been to an interview? Actually, you should send a thank you … Continue reading

The Wait After An Interview

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  You have been waiting for that call since ages now. You wonder what is taking them so long. However, don’t panic, there could be numerous reasons you haven’t yet received a response from the interview(ers):   The Interviews are Still Going On: Your interview is over, but that doesn’t mean the process is done. The company … Continue reading


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Today, we are not going to tell you anything about interviews, meetings, recruitment, or anything about the world of work. Today, we are just urging you to make full use of your right and GO VOTE! We did. -Team UHR

Prioritizing: The Pareto Way!

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  You have a pile of tasks waiting to be handled. Your to-do list has extended to pages. The list of things to be accomplished feels endless. And you don’t know where to begin. Above everything, it feels daunting! In such situations, the Pareto Principle can help one out.   First Things First, What is … Continue reading

Take A “Break”!

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    Life is unpredictable. We never know when we may have to deal with leaving our jobs. Being newly unemployed gives many people a feeling of being in a limbo. Whether you have been laid off, let go or just quit for your own personal reason, the sudden removal of structure and routine can … Continue reading

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