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What is your Learning Style?

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  Cause for Friction: There are times when no matter how close attention you pay, the information just doesn’t get registered. Sometimes, it tires you to no limit as you try to explain something to a colleague or friend but they just don’t seem to be getting what you are saying. How much more simply … Continue reading

The Ladder of Inference: Is Your Decision Quick or Rash?

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There is a meeting going on. Someone is giving a presentation, let us call him person A. He expects everyone to pay attention to what he is saying. He spots person B “fidgeting” with his phone. He assumes B is not interested and thus has a problem with him, and at the end of the … Continue reading

Life at UHR: Same Old, Same Old? Not at all!

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It is important to acknowledge that life could get monotonous. And monotony could lead to various phenomena like falling motivation levels, lack of productivity and a general lack of willingness to learn new things. W asked our employees at UHR their take on working here and they have a different story to tell. As one … Continue reading

Are you an Intrapreneur?

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“Entrepreneurship” is a familiar word to most of us. An entrepreneur is someone who has set up a business of his or her own. They are deemed to be industrious individuals who had the courage to start something from the scratch.  Who is an intrapreneur? An intrapreneur is someone within (hence the prefix “intra”) the organisation who … Continue reading

Build Your Brand the Storytelling Way

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  Many of us would remember huddling in groups as someone would tell fascinating fables about clever crows, overconfident rabbits, conniving monkeys. Folk-tales, myths about Gods, ghost-stories are embedded in our cultural memories. Some would also remember the stories (smart solutions actually) about Akbar and Birbal, Krishnadev  Rai and Tenali Rama. We learn by listening … Continue reading

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