Do you have the ladder thinking or rock-climbing thinking?
Categories UncategorizedRock-climbing could be a more realistic and accurate metaphor for handling careers, than climbing ladders.
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Rock-climbing could be a more realistic and accurate metaphor for handling careers, than climbing ladders.
Thinking about career growth is one of the favourite pass-times, it seems. We have thought about it in the middle of a meeting, or when we were having a quiet moment in the office, or maybe when we were on a holiday, all happy and relaxed. Suddenly, muscles go tense, and the mind goes racing. … Continue reading
Whether we are talking about interviews or networking events or conferences and seminars, the underlying tips can sometimes be just too technical and generic. Let us face it- have we not read something and thought- ‘ugh, again with the jargon…’ ? Take for example tips about ‘being yourself’ at work. These tips obviously come with … Continue reading
A workplace often gives us an imagery of activity. Phones ringing, papers shuffling, a few voices here and there, everything and everyone contributing to an active atmosphere. Meetings happen every now and then, symbolising movement, progress, brainstorming, dynamism, innovation. The modern culture today values this movement and innovation. New ideas, new ideas, better ideas! And … Continue reading
While we were busy talking about the importance of recruiting talent that stays, and how to ensure a good experience for the candidate, the world was hit by the news of mass lay-offs by big multinational tech companies. Through these events of layoffs, we can only reiterate more on the point that the job market … Continue reading